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Delaware Pharmacists Society
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DPS Committees

Looking for a way to get involved in the Delaware Pharmacists Society?  We have plenty of opportunities as a member of one of our committees!  If you want to lend a hand in a small or large way, email to find the best fit for you.  Participating is a great way to meet other pharmacists in the state, give back to your local community, and expand your resume and professional skills.

  • Awards and Nominations Committee - This committee solicits recipients for the awards based on nominations from Society and others and seeks nominations for vacancies on the Board of Directors.
  • Budget Committee
  • Bylaws Committee - The by-laws committee reviews the constitution and by-laws as well as the policies and procedures and suggests amendments. By-law changes must be done in accordance with the guidelines stated in the by-laws. Changes to the policies and procedures require a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  • Continuing Education and Convention Committee - This committee coordinates all the details of the DPS annual convention.  They solicit sponsors and exhibitors for the convention, and also work to recruit and schedule the continuing education presenters.  In addition, this group can also find and plan CE programs that will enhance the ability of DPS members to practice their profession and enable them to meet State Board requirements.
  • Legislative and Third Party Committee - This committee reviews national and state legislation that may affect the practice of pharmacy. The committee shall present findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors. Recommended actions by the committee are to be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The committee represents the society at hearings concerning regulations proposed by the State Board of Pharmacy and other agencies. The committee will recommend statues and regulations that will enhance the profession of pharmacy. During all of their deliberations, the health and welfare of the public will be considered.
  • Membership Committee - This committee works with the President and Executive Director to obtain new members and retain present members.
  • Professional Relations Committee
  • Public Relations Committee - This committee keeps members informed of current events in the Delaware Pharmacists Society via the website and other social media platforms.  
  • Social Committee - This committee will work with Delaware pharmacists, technicians, and members of the Delaware Pharmacists Society to plan networking and social events.  
  • Web-site Committee - This committee It works with the website designer to keep the website up-to-date.

Delaware Pharmacists Society

27 N Main St.

Smyrna, Delaware  19977

Phone: (302) 659-3088 


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